Last few hours to sign up for the Frankenvid! Plus, schedule and submissions!

Llin / 7th Apr 2023, 12:29PM

Con preparations are shifting into high gear, and there are a few useful things to know if you're planning to attend:

Imminent deadlines:

Today's top priority - signups for the new-format Group Vidding Workshop are closing tonight, evening of April 7 in European timezones!

Room bookings for the con's dedicated block at the Future Inn are also closing
on April 10.

More News:

Exciting update, the schedule is live! Take a look at what we've got coming up - we're excited about this year's programme. A tip - toggle to list view using the little button on the top right to see everything at a glance.

Submissions are now also open! Bring us your Vidder's Choice, your Antagonism vids (premiering or otherwise) and your Premieres! We know submitting vids is a little fiddly, so here's a helpful guide.

Plus, don’t forget to register!


Dates and Deadlines:

April 7 - Vidding Workshop signups close

April 10 - deadline to book rooms in the con hotel’s VidUKon block

May 1 - Vidder’s Choice submissions

May 6 - Premieres submissions, Antagonism submissions, deadline for in-person registration

May 25 - deadline for online registration if you would like a physical conbook or Premieres memory stick

May 26 - Vidding Workshop submission deadline

June 9-11 - con weekend!