Three months until VidUKon!
Llin / 15th Mar 2023, 3:25PM
VidUKon 2023 is getting closer, and we have lots of news to share!
First of all, check out our update on programming for a sneak peak of shows and panels. As well as our usual Premieres and Vidder’s Choice shows, this year we’re inviting your premieres and back-catalogue vids for our Antagonism themed show. There's more info on these vidder-submitted shows in this post.
This year, the Group Vidding Workshop has undergone a transformation into a pre-con challenge. Read more and sign up here. If you’d like to vid with a buddy or a group, you can also use the comments on the linked post to find them.
If you participated in last year’s feedback survey - or even if you didn’t - you may be interested to read our responses to some of the issues that were raised.
Plus, don’t forget to register, and if you’re joining us in Cardiff, make sure to book a hotel room if you need one.
Dates and Deadlines:
April 7 - Vidding Workshop signups close
April 10 - deadline to book rooms in the con hotel’s VidUKon block
May 1 - Vidder’s Choice submissions
May 6 - Premieres submissions, Antagonism submissions, deadline for in-person registration
May 25 - deadline for online registration if you would like a physical conbook or Premieres memory stick
May 26 - Vidding Workshop submission deadline
June 9-11 - con weekend!